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Essay Writing Jumpstarter Masterclass
1. Welcome (7:54)
2. The First Draft Mindset (6:59)
What Good Essays Look Like
1. How to Write Great Essays (9:51)
2. Activity: Define - Review - Evaluate (7:52)
How to Write Great Paragraphs
1. The First Golden Rule of Paragraph Writing (4:01)
2. The Second Golden Rule of Paragraph Writing (3:33)
3. The Third Golden Rule of Paragraph Writing (3:31)
4. Activity: A Paragraph Writing Tool (2:26)
How to Write Great Introductions and Conclusions
1. How to Write Great Introductions (10:46)
2. How to Write Great Conclusions (7:39)
Becoming a Scholarly Writer
1. Striking the Right Tone (10:39)
2. First vs Third Person Language (5:22)
3. Dealing with Sub-Headings (2:17)
4. Questions in Essays? (3:16)
5. Transition Words that Work (15:55)
6. Hedging and Boosting (12:32)
7. Working with Definitions (9:16)
8. Working with Quotes (10:14)
Editing That Works
1. You're not Done Yet! (5:55)
2. Dealing with Grammar and Spelling (6:06)
3. The Read Out Loud Method (8:39)
4. The Delete and Rewrite Method (9:21)
5. The Split and Shorten Method (13:36)
6. Activity: Essay Editing Checklist (8:56)
Taking your Draft to your Teacher
1. Three Ways to get Formative Feedback (15:14)
Where to From Here
1. Make Summative Feedback your Friend (12:23)
2. When you're Hurting you're Learning (4:20)
1. Welcome
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